

Friday, September 10, 2010

Out of the starting gate...

Welcome to the challenge I've posed to myself - to read 100 books in 364 days and blog about them.

My reason for this is twofold.  First and foremost,  for the first time in three years, I'm not in grad school and am teaching the same grade as last year, so I have time to do it!  I've kept a running list of the books I've read over the calendar year for six years now, but haven't reflected on many of them in writing.

Secondly, my personal writing has slacked off horribly in recent history.  Writing something besides lesson plans is good for my spirit, and if I (hopefully!) am writing for an audience, I'll be more inclined to persevere.

My rules are:
1) At least 10 of the books have to be books I've always felt like I ought to read, but have never gotten around to.
2) Up to 10 of the books can be re-reads of former favorites, as long as I read the book more than a year ago.
3) I give myself permission to abandon 1 in 20 books if it's putting me to sleep/giving me agita/making my eyes roll back in my head.  Life's too short to read bad books!

I welcome suggestions for the required reading list, as well as anything you think I would enjoy.

So climb on board, fellow readers, and buckle your seatbelts.  It's going to be a wild ride.


  1. Extremely cool idea. Looking forward to your thoughts!

  2. Hi, Joann,
    Good luck with your blog. Since you like books set in ancient Rome, I think you'd fall in love with the Robert Graves' books "I, Claudius" and "Claudius the God," that is, if you haven't already read them. They're wonderfully written and hard to put down once you begin: guaranteed to keep you reading into the early morning hours.

  3. ...btw, I have to add that, my aversion to cats notwithstanding, I do love the picture of your cat...not that I'd like to own one, you understand (shudder), but I do like the expression on that cat's face.

  4. Thank you for the suggestion, Jackie! And yes, Stella is quite the expressive one!
